- The OfficeRnD Team
- Hybrid Workplace Integration
Mighty Monday - July 17: New features, Hybrid webinar, and Bug fixes
Since variety is the spice of life, we swapped last week’s Feature Friday for a Mighty Monday announcement this week! After all, what better way to kick off the week than with some helpful new OfficeRnD features? Today we’re making a few exciting announcements we know you’re going to like:
Contract Approval Improvements - now including contract addendums
Payment Details Endpoint API now exposed for Stripe Payments
Introducing Additional Invoice Filters
And finally - join us for a Customer Webinar on July 20th, where we will take a deeper dive into the new Hybrid Workplace functionality for operators. Click here to register.
Contract Approval Addendum Improvements 
We have added additional Contract Approval options so that custom addendum terms can be supervised before the contract is sent to the customer for signature. If an operator makes an addendum on the contract, space managers can now review and approve these changes.
This ensures that the entire team is on the same page with contract addendums before they are sent out to the customer for signature. You can read more about contract approvals in our help article here.
Build Custom Signup Experiences with Stripe 
With the latest update the team has exposed the payment details endpoint API for Stripe. These API improvements allow operators to enhance their signup experience and build custom experiences based upon their brand needs. Operators who are developing custom web signup pages can now add sections for Stripe credit card payment details in the signup flow and that information will transfer directly into OfficeRnD.
These endpoints will provide additional functionality for operators and third-party developers and more easily allow them to them create signup experiences where new members can add Stripe payment details. Check out our developer help articles below:
Stripe API Guide - https://developer.officernd.com/docs/collecting-payment-details-with-stripe
API Endpoints - https://developer.officernd.com/reference/payment-details
The team has plans for further Stripe improvements throughout the year including in-app Stripe refunds. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the OfficeRnD/Stripe experience you can share those here.
Introducing New Invoice Filters 
Based upon operator feedback the team has also added a few additional Invoice filters that can be found in Billing -> Invoices:
1) Filter by "Invoice Creation Date"
The first filter is based upon date the invoice was created. This is not the issue date, due date, or period. Instead, it is when the Invoice Document was created - it is the moment you clicked the button to create an invoice.
Example: I already exported all invoices for last week. I forgot to create an invoice last week, so I do it this week. When I filter by Invoice Creation Date this week, this invoice will appear in my export, and I will not miss importing it to my financial management system.
2) Filter by "Payment Creation Date"
The second filter added is the date when the payment was actually added to the invoice. This is not the same as the date field you see when you click on Add Payment.
Example: I already exported all payments for last week. I forgot to add a cash payment for an invoice from last week or two weeks back. I add the payment manually this week. When I filter by Payment Creation Date this week the export will contain the missing payment.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Fixed Quickbooks syncing errors when logging contacts
Fixed an issue in Tour Bookings where dialog showed UTC date
Addressed issue where Invoices filter by payment creation date used the incorrect property
Fixed an issue where the contracts grid sometimes failed to load
Fixed an issue where selecting all invoices showed 0 for invoiced and due amounts
Template property contract link now links to new contracts
Fixed an issue where the date selector in contracts showed an incorrect date
Fixed an issue where editing a contract that had already been approved didn't return the contract from Not Signed to Draft status
Addressed an issue where export didn't work when all invoices were selected
Fixed an issue where the wrong dashboard was linked when you clicked on certain bar charts
Fixed an issue where exporting some invoices was incorrect when selecting them after a manual Bill Run preview
Fixed an issue where custom property labels were truncated in certain parts of the UI
Fixed an issue where in some cases the Contact & Billing person could not request cancellation of the company membership
Addressed an issue where a setup fee with a price of 0 could not be saved in a contract
Fixed an issue where users that had a custom role could not see edit buttons on the member's page
Addressed an issue where Analytics filters were not always working correctly
Fixed an issue where the "PreviousDepositHeld" property did not pull correct deposit held before creating a contract
Fixed an issue where users were unable to add a contract for a past start date from the companies profile
Addressed an issue where contracts created via company profile did not display all available plans
Fixed a Papercut sync issue with existing users
Addressed an issue where Private locations were shown on the Public Booking calendar
Fixed an issue where merged members were still counted as active when you add a teammate through the member portal
Fixed an issue where custom admin roles were not able to see a custom page that they should have access to
Addressed an issue where Bookings larger than 7.5 hours sometimes did not take credits into consideration
Fixed an issue where credits were not working for non-business hours bookings
Addressed some issues where Contracts would crash if the contract type was missing
Fixed an issue where Custom role admins could not see the Hybrid Workplace icon in the menu
Fixed an issue where the deposit held contact value was missing
Fixed an issue where users could book a meeting room with non-hourly rates
Addressed an issue where the Status of locked memberships derived from contracts was not updated
Fixed a 403 error when requesting membership cancellation in the portal
Addressed an issue with OfficeRnD Tours where sometimes the available slots did not reflect the correct timezone
Fixed an issue where plans were not created on purchase from the shop in the members portal
Fixed an issue with sending a Direct Debit when customers were using GoCardless and Stripe
Fixed an issue with Salto Pro when automatic mobile key assignment was enabled multiple syncs were triggered
Fixed an issue where booking occupancy was not updated when a member was added to a new team
Fixed an issue where Coins transaction log was not ordered chronologically
Addressed an issue where customers could not book a resource for the day if they already had hourly credits
Fixed an issue where deleting a membership that had a start date in the future did not remove all coins
Fixed an issue where the booking export was not showing the correct count in the UI in certain conditions
Fixed an issue where contract type could not be edited if the T&C was deleted
Fixed an issue where removing an allocation in OfficeRnD didn't remove the allocation in Quickbooks
As always, we’d love to hear your feedback!
Let us know what you think! Leave feedback to let us know how we can further improve your OfficeRnD experience.
Happy coworking and we hope you have an amazing week ahead!