- The OfficeRnD Team
- Introduce multiple language translations in the Mobile App
New: Mobile App Localization 📱
We believe in building products that people of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and abilities can use and enjoy. We strive to create software that works smoothly for English and non-English speakers alike. Today, we’re happy to roll out native support for 28 languages in both the iOS and Android Member mobile apps!
Supporting 28 languages in 50+ countries around the world 
Adding support for right-to-left languages like Hebrew or Arabic took some time however, we worked hard to ensure that elements in our apps are properly mirrored, easy to reach, and provide a consistent user experience that feels natural in a right-to-left orientation.
With the updated app rolling out today - Members can edit their language preference for the Mobile App under Account > Profile > Edit Profile. Keep in mind, the languages available in the Mobile App to members will be the same as the ones available on the Member Portal.
With customers in over 50 countries and now supporting 28 languages, we hope this update will take us a step closer to making OfficerRnD the most diverse coworking platform in the world.
Members and operators can download the OfficeRnD Members app on both iOS and Android.
As always, we’d love your feedback!
Have some feedback? Have an idea for something you’d like to see us working on? Drop us a line using the feedback submission form just to the left.
Thanks for reading, and happy coworking!