The OfficeRnD Team
Admin Portal Member Apps

New: Introducing Stronger Password Requirements 🔐

AUTHOR: The OfficeRnD Team

We are constantly working to improve the security of our system for both Members and Admins! With the latest update, we have introduced strong password requirements for all new users so that operators can ensure that their clients and staff are using secure login credentials.

Please keep in mind that this will only affect users creating NEW passwords going forward. Existing Members and Admins do not need to take any actions or change their account passwords.

Introducing Strong Password Requirements for the OfficeRnD Admin and Member Portal

Going forward, when an Admin or Member creates a new password in the system they will be asked to meet some basic security requirements. Passwords should be at least 8 characters long and contain 3 out of the 4 elements listed below:

  • Uppercase letter

  • Lowercase letter

  • Digit

  • Symbol (non-alphanumeric character)- i.e. !#$%^&*()_+

To make the password creation process easier, we have built a password strength meter that shows users how secure their password is. The password meter uses the following guidelines to detect password strength:

Weak - fails requirements - less than 3 conditions are met

Medium - passes, but 3 out of 4 of the above

Strong - passes all requirements

When 3 or more of the password conditions are met the password strength changes to Medium and allows the user to proceed. You can see a quick look at the new password strength meter in action below.

Improved Security Across the Platform

The new password settings will take effect in the following password creation scenarios.


  • When a new Admin invite is sent via email

  • When an Admin user (Teammate) wants to change their password from their Profile settings

Member Portal

  • When an invite is sent to a new Member via email

  • When the Member wants to change their password from the profile in the Member Portal

  • When a Reset Password link is sent to an existing user

  • When a new account is being created via the SignUp page or the Public Calendar

Public API

  • Create User public API endpoint will also be affected by the change. You can see more information about that on our Developer Hub here.

Reach out to us with questions

Have questions or concerns about the new stronger password requirements? As always, leave us feedback on this announcement, or reach out to us via email at

Happy coworking! 

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