The OfficeRnD Team
Admin Portal Integrations Member Apps

Feature Friday - September 2: Custom resource credits, dynamic processing fees, and more

AUTHOR: The OfficeRnD Team

Happy Friday!

Did you know that OfficeRnD is hosting our second annual flexible and hybrid work conference FlexWorld on Septemtember 20th? Head on over to our event page to sign up virtually or join us in person in London later this month!

We have a few new features and updates to share with you to help kick off the weekend.

Introducing Hourly Credits for Custom Resources

We have always had hourly credits in OfficeRnD, but in the past they could only be used to manage meeting rooms. With the latest update, you can now grant hourly credits for event spaces, parking spots, phone booths, or whatever resource type you have created!

If you want to create a new bookable resource type for a product in your space you can do this in Settings / Resource Type. You can read more about creating and managing resource types here.

Once you have added in the specific resource type credits to a membership and assigned it to a member, they will be able to book those resources using the custom credits you have assigned them!

We are excited to see how operators start using this feature with their custom bookable resources! You can take a look below at the example where we give membership credits for both meeting room and event space resource types.

Dynamic Processing Fees

OfficeRnD allows operators to automatically generate processing fees and apply specific percentages for different types of credit cards. Previously, if an operator sent an invoice to a client before they had added their credit card in, the processing fee would not be applied because the invoice had already been generated.

The system now makes an additional check upon payment, and will now automatically add a processing fee if the invoice is paid by card, or remove a processing fee if the invoice is paid by another method such as check or bank transfer.

In a nutshell, this means the processing fees on your invoices are now dynamic and if during the payment process the payment method is changed, the processing fee will be added or removed.

This processing fee percentage amount is taken from your settings and can be configured under the "We'll generate processing fees" section in Settings/Billing. You can read more about setting up processing fees in the system here.

Below is an example of the messaging a member would see when paying for an invoice via credit card after they changed their payment method.

Door access for bookings now syncs instantly

We are excited to announce that bookings with door access providers (Kisi, Salto, and Brivo) now sync instantly. This means that when members make last-minute bookings for meeting rooms, they will get access right away!

Screen Shot 2022-03-21 at 9.29.50 AM.png

Bugs: Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed some permissions issues with SaltoKS Member Mobile Access on Android

  • Fixed an issue where Braintree returned an incorrect error when adding payment details

  • Fixed an issue where users with custom roles could not sign into the captive portal

  • Fixed Android application url link sometimes being incorrect

  • Fixed a fee update issue when charging a second card after a payment fails

  • Booking occurrences should now be retrieved correctly when a booking spans far into the future 

  • Improved memberships import experience and fixed an import error 

  • Merging locations when the source location has more than 5k bookings has been fixed

  • Fixed an issue where an invoice dialog would flicker until loaded 

  • Fixed an issue where custom roles with “owner” permissions were not able to upload files 

  • Fixed an issue with contracts where deposit fees were not multiplied by the plans count

  • Fixed an issue where total hour credits were not calculated correctly if the credits were used in different months 

  • Fixed an issue where users could not click through tabs sometimes in the Community section 

  • Decimal number durations in booking policies should now be working correctly 

  • Improved visibility of import errors

  • Now when deleting a ticket comments will be deleted as well

  • Fixed an error when deleting payment methods in the member portal 


  • Fixed an issue where change password endpoint returned a 500 error when a new password was not provided in the request

  • generateActiveMembersListSchedule is now working as expected when executed with a date

  • Webhook Endpoint URL Validation now recognizes URL encoded characters

As always, we’d love to hear your feedback!

Let us know what you think! Leave feedback to let us know how we can further improve your OfficeRnD experience.

As always, we hope you have a restful, relaxing, and recharging weekend!

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