- The OfficeRnD Team
Feature Friday - June 24: Printing, Contracts, and Bug Fixes
Happy Friday! Before you kick off your shoes for the weekend, we’ve got some features and bug fixes in store for you.
Don't forget you can always leave product feedback on our Flex Updates page!
PaperCut Printing Beta Integration Incoming 
Managing printing in a flex space can be a difficult and manual process. That's why we're adding additional printing integrations so operators can easily connect the print service they already use!
OfficeRnD printing integrations allow operators to sync members and print credits with dedicated printing platforms to automatically count prints and create fees. We are excited to announce that the PaperCut beta is expected to be launched in the coming weeks and will support the following functionalities:
Easily connect and set up the integration with a single installation file that runs on the PaperCut printing server
Automatic sync of members from OfficeRnD to PaperCut - with the ability to choose which members are synced
Automatic creation of Fees in OfficeRnD based on Print Jobs completed with PaperCut (Print and Pay option)
Control of the initial balance assigned to each user in PaperCut as well as adding additional balance on Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis
Stay tuned for updates on this integration and if you are interested in participating in the PaperCut beta let us know at product@officernd.com.
One-Offs Contract Calculation Improvements 
The team is continuing our journey to improve the contract and sales experience for members and operators alike.
We made some improvements to one-off plans in contracts so that they are always included in the PDF and should now start in the correct month. This means that one-off plans will show up where you intended them and customers will understand better when the payment is due. Additionally, one-off plans in contracts now also correctly display the VAT amount on generated PDFs.
The team has more plans for contract improvements throughout the year, but feel free to leave feedback about how you would like for us to improve this module even more. As always, reach out to support@officernd.com if you ever need help using contracts at your space!
Bug Fixes
In addition to the new features, we are constantly working on bug fixes to improve the experience for operators and members! We have quite a few fixes from the past month:
Fixed error that sometimes occurred when creating bookings from Google calendar.
Improved discount code behavior when an invalid or expired discount code is applied
Booking a room with hourly credits should not ask for payment details anymore.
Fixed team page not loading when some teammates had hidden their profiles.
Fixed disable late fees button sometimes not showing up.
Fixed the subscription and admin tab in Admin portal not rendering data occasionally.
Improved error reporting when updating a floorplan fails.
Contract templates now do a better job of respecting customer tax rate settings.
Fixed Hosted Payment Gateway crashing in member portal.
Improved visibility of the filters button in Analytics custom dashboards.
Improved price validation systems when importing memberships.
Fixed public bookings that required approval and did not allow users to enter payment details.
Fixed an issue where members were seeing duplicate invoices in the member portal dashboard.
Fixed an eZeep scheduled sync error that was occurring.
Validate credit note allocation amount no longer fails when there are different currencies.
Custom calendars that were not bookable by time on the mobile app now appear properly.
Fixed a connection timeout when attempting to download a .pdf or image from Analytics.
Fixed overpayment that could be sent if the user had more documents than the grid limit.
Check-in report is now more reliable when there is a check-in without a member.
Fixed an issue where contract steps would create multiple setup fees.
Fees coming from goods should always show their account in the “Community”->”Fees” UI.
Fixed an issue where users were unable to deactivate an integration.
Multi-location billing now correctly applies tax policies based on location.
Signing eSign contracts in draft status now appear as signed in the system.
Fixed an issue where creating an event for 1 location caused it to post at all locations.
Fixed an issue where credits would display incorrectly in a contract template.
Company tags now refresh correctly via import.
Fixed company name sometimes disappearing when adding an invoice.
Fixed an issue where some teammates could not see previous import sessions on the UI.
Fixed an issue where the slack integration notification manager could not be configured.
Booking fee exports now show booking fee item codes.
Fixed an issue where invoices could not be downloaded after a tax rate was deleted.
Fixed an issue where the Disable Late Fees button was not shown.
API Changes
Improved security in the /user/teammates API endpoint.
Made adjustments to the API to prevent adding one-off plans with discounts through PUT requests and one-off plans with setup fees through POST and PUT requests.
Fixed an issue where the /user/fees API endpoint would return all company fees for a regular team member.
Benefits can now be created without a name from the API.
Fixed an issue where the internal endpoint for user/bookings returned bookings for the whole organization.
Fixed an issue where a preliminary linked Brivo error appears when trying to deactivate it.
Deactivating the API key for Brivo now removes the integration directly.